Agenda item

Future Work Programme

Joint report of the Town Clerk and Chamberlain.


The Sub Committee were asked to consider and endorse the proposals for its future work programme. Members were broadly happy with the proposals, so long as the programme was flexible, allowing for matters to be added or removed as necessary. In particular, Members endorsed the new focus on wider City Corporation issues (rather than departmental reporting) so long as they reserved the right to review individual departments as and when particular issues arose. The Chamberlain agreed to report on possible trigger points and metrics which could be used by the Sub Committee to decide whether a department should be reviewed in detail.


Members were also keen to receive and update on all the actions agreed as part of the departmental reviews which had been undertaken over the previous year and it was agreed that Officers would report this at the Sub Committee’s next meeting.



(i)            the list of proposed issues for further research (as set out in the report) be endorsed on the basis that it would be adapted as required;

(ii)           the Chamberlain would report on possible trigger points and metrics which could be used by the Sub Committee to decide whether a department should be reviewed in detail; and

(iii)          an update report on agreed actions from the departmental reviews be brought to the meeting on 12 July 2012.

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