Agenda item

Equality Diversity and Human Rights (EDHR) Update

To receive a report of the Commissioner of Police.


The Committee received an update from the Assistant Commissioner on the Force’s work in Equality, Diversity and Human Rights (EDHR) areas.


The Assistant Commissioner noted that the future report would be brought to the Committee which outlined a full evaluation of the Disability Equality Standard.


The results of the Force Equality Survey were discussed, and the Assistant Commissioner stated the survey results provided insight into what measures the Force could be implementing to improve equalities within the workplace. A Stonewall Equality Index delivery plan would be included as part of a future EDHR update. This would include costs of implementing Stonewall Index measures that would be defined at the next Force Quality Service/EDHR Board meeting attended by the Police Committee Equality, Diversity and Human Rights Lead Member.


There was also work underway within the Force to re-launch the LGBT support group, for which a volunteer had come forward. 


A Member queried the support and services available for Force staff that may have mental health concerns and the Assistant Commissioner replied that the Occupational Health Service gathered information on trends and staff numbers affected by mental health issues and provided support in this area. Members requested a monitoring report on the numbers of Force staff who had mental health and stress issues, and it was noted the Director of Corporate Services would produce updates in these areas received in the HR Monitoring Report at the next Performance and Resource Sub Committee.


RESOLVED – That the report be received and its contents noted.

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