Agenda item

The public minutes and summary of the meeting held on 28th February 2014 were approved as a correct record.


Matters Arising


Lift at Bishopgate Police Station – The Deputy Chairman informed Members that the lift had now been repaired and was now in working order.


Item 9 – Corporate Governance – Scheme of Delegations and Standing Orders

The Deputy Chairman remarked that there were concerns within the Force over existing pay scales and recruiting candidates to specialised posts and he would undertake to speak to the Chairman of Policy and Resources on the matter. It was also an issue that was seen to be affecting recruitment to other areas of the Corporation such as IT.


Item 10 – Barbican Highwalk CCTV

Members and officers discussed the update that had been circulated to Members on the matter by the Town Clerk. A Member remarked that the area in question was a public footpath and the installation of CCTV could assist in positively identifying individuals in instances of criminal offences. The Police stated they would support the installation of CCTV and Members were reassured that work was being done in this area and a report would be brought back to the Committee on the matter in the future.


Item 10 – Barbican event cancellation

The Commander of Operations informed Members that the event had been rescheduled, subject to the necessary risk assessment and approvals for temporary events, and a further meeting with the Town Clerk would take place. Members raised concerned that Barbican residents had not been adequately informed about the event cancellation and also the subsequent concert which took place, the Commander of Operations advised that due to the nature of the concert the Police had also received no advance notice.



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