Agenda item

Museum of London Gyratory


A report of the Director of the Built Environment was considered regarding the Museum of London Gyratory.


A member of the Committee considered this scheme should be considered alongside the schemes for Beech Street and London Wall.



a)    the scope of the project be expanded to the north and east to include the Aldersgate Street and London Wall areas and note that the estimated funding required to deliver the project would therefore increase;

b)    delegated authority be granted to the Director of the Built Environment, in consultation with the Chamberlain and Comptroller and City Solicitor to:

·          submit bids to TfL to seek funding to develop the project to Gateway 3;

·               identify suitable S106 funding to develop the project to Gateway 3 (in the

event that sufficient TfL funding is not made available).

c)    the Proposals for highway changes to part of London Wall to accommodate the London Wall Place development are progressing in parallel with the gyratory project and the two may be merged at later project gateways if this is deemed expedient be noted.

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