Agenda item

Senator House Garden, EC4 - Delegated Authority Request

Report of the Director of Open Spaces.


The Open Spaces Technical Manager introduced a report of the Director of Open Spaces. The Chairman welcomed the report and suggested that the Committee seek to utilise the £24,000 goodwill payment from AG Senator House GP Ltd as seed funding for a City Gardens endowment fund, to secure the financial maintenance of the City Gardens in the longer term. He requested therefore that a report outlining the feasibility of such a fund be submitted to a future meeting of the Committee.




·         That delegated authority be granted to the Town Clerk, in consultation with the Chairman and Deputy Chairman, to approve the terms of a transaction and the detailed re-landscaping proposals, once they can be reported that will enable the developer to undertake renovations to Senator House Garden at no cost to the City.


·         That officers prepare a report for a future meeting of the Committee on the potential to use the £24,000 goodwill payment as seed funding for a City Gardens maintenance endowment fund.


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