Agenda item


To agree the public minutes and summary of the meeting held on 7 April 2014.


RESOLVED – That the minutes of the last meeting be approved.



Outline Options Appraisal – Beech Street – Members were informed that the first consultation meeting with Ward Members had taken place and it was anticipated that the process would be completed by September 2014.  The Strategy would then be submitted to the Sub Committee for consideration.


Skateboarding – Members noted that information was being sourced from the City of London Police and the Comptrollers and City Solicitor’s Department for inclusion in the report which would be submitted to the Sub Committee in June 2014.


Mayor’s Vision for Cycling – Members were advised that the consultation on the cycle superhighways had been delayed until September 2014 to allow officers a greater chance to influence the proposals prior to being made public.  It was agreed to provide regular updates regarding the implementation of the superhighways at each of the Sub Committee meetings.

Supporting documents: