Agenda item

New Street Square

Report of the Director of the Built Environment.


As per his declaration of a personal and prejudicial interest, Jeremy Simons left the meeting during consideration of this item. 


The Deputy Chairman in the Chair.


The Sub Committee considered an issue report of the Director of the Built Environment concerning the implementation of traffic management measures in the New Street Square area, Gateway 6.


Reference was made to access into Gough Square, adequate loading and unloading space on Fetter Lane, parking and vehicle restrictions, taxi idling and ensuring satisfactory consultation with the public.


Further to the discussion, the Sub Committee requested that the proposed consultation covered both Options 1 and 2, and also included a request for members of the public to provide ideas for any other potential solutions. 



a)    statutory stakeholders, residents and businesses be consulted on the measures outlined in Options 1 and 2, and that a third option  be sought by asking for ideas from the local community;

b)    authority be delegated to the Director of the Built Environment to implement the experimental scheme which is confirmed following the consultation; and

c)    changes to the implementation, fees and staff costs budgets (with no increase in the overall budget) be approved.


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