Agenda item

Markets Business Plan Update Period 3 2013/14 (December - March)

Report of the Director of Markets and Consumer Protection.


The Committee considered a report of the Director of Markets and Consumer Protection which provided Members with an update on progress against the Business Plan of the Markets Department for Period 3 (December-March) of 2013-14 against key performance indicators (KPIs) and objectives outlined in the Business Plan.  The report consisted of:


·        Performance against the key performance indicators (KPIs) and progress report on the business plan

·        Matters of general interest to the Committee

·        Markets Risk Register 

·        Financial information

·        Sickness statistics


The report highlighted that at the end of February 2014, the Department of Markets & Consumer Protection was £311k (21.2%) underspent against the local risk budget to date of £1.5m, over all the services now managed by the Director of Markets & Consumer Protection covering the Markets Committee. Overall the Director of Markets & Consumer Protection was currently forecasting a year end underspend position of £142k (8.9%) for the Department’s City Fund and City Cash services.


The Chairman pointed out that on page 11 of the report the reference to all accidents reports to be completed within 3 days following the notification of an incident, for Billingsgate Market, should read 100% and not 83.3%.


A discussion took place and in response to a question by a Member the Superintendent of Smithfield Market explained that an audit had been carried out by the Corporate Health & Safety Manager and within it the safety concerns relating to the banksmen duties would be highlighted. It was noted that individual operators were looking at their own responsibilities to ensure that they carry out the banksmen duties effectively. Members emphasised that this issue needed to be kept under review by officers.


In relation to the Smithfield Poultry Market Re-roofing and Rewiring Project the Director reported that the project was progressing to the Gateway 4 Options Appraisal stage and that tenants views were being taken into account.


In response to a question by a Member the Director explained that the level of sickness at the three Markets was generally going in the right direction and being in line with the corporate target.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted.


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