Agenda item

Standards Committee -Terms of reference and frequency of meetings

The Committee is asked to note its terms of reference, the terms of reference of its sub committees and the meeting dates for the 2014/2015.


The Committee received a report of the Town Clerk regarding the Committee’s terms of reference and frequency of meetings in 2014/2015. 


It was noted that, with reference to the Committee’s membership in 2014/2015, and not 2013/14 as referenced at paragraph 11 of the report, Deputy Alistair King had been omitted from the list of Members.  It was further noted that with regards to the Committee’s frequency of meetings, as had been agreed by the Committee previously, three meetings would be scheduled each year.   


In response to a question, the Chairman clarified the arrangements for considering complaints and alleged breaches of the Members’ Code of Conduct.


It was suggested that, as per the discussion at Item 3, the Order of the Court be amended to specify that “none of the appointed shall serve on the Committee for more than a maximum of eight years in total.” However, the Committee was of the view that, like other Committees of the Court of Common Council, a gap be introduced to enable former Members of the Committee to be reflected to serve on the committee once a reasonable break had taken place, thus ensuring that there was a sufficient turnover in membership but also giving interested Members the chance to serve on the Committee again.


The Committee asked that the Town Clerk and the Comptroller & City Solicitor explore the matter further and report back to the Committee in due course.



(i) the report be noted; and

(ii) the Town Clerk and the Comptroller & City Solicitor give consideration to an amendment to the Committee’s constitution in respect of the length of service a Member could serve on the Committee and the introduction of a defined break in service.    



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