Agenda item

Co-opted Member Appointments- update

The Town Clerk to be heard in respect of the arrangements to appoint two Co-opted Members of the Standards Committee. 


The Town Clerk provided an oral update in respect of the arrangements to appoint two Co-opted Members of the Standards Committee.  Members were advised about the delays that had been incurred following advertisement of the vacancies in January 2014, due principally to conflicts of interest amongst some members of the Appointment Panel and the need therefore to identify alternative representatives, but also as a result of recent changes to the composition of the Appointment Panel.


It was noted that alternative representatives had now been identified to serve on the Panel and it was anticipated that interviews would take place in late June 2014.  Members were advised that all applicants had been kept informed about the delays to the appointment process.


As the Committee was not scheduled to meet until the autumn, it was agreed that delegated authority should be granted to the Town Clerk, in consultation with the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Standards Committee, to consider the Panel’s recommendations following the interviews.  This would ensure that any recommended Co-opted Member appointments could be submitted to the Court of Common Council for approval without unnecessary delay.


RESOLVED:- That delegated authority be granted to the Town Clerk, in consultation with the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Standards Committee, to consider the Panel’s recommendations following the interviews to ensure that any recommended Co-opted Member appointments can be submitted to the Court of Common Council for approval without unnecessary delay.