Agenda item

Healthwatch City of London Update

Report of the Chair of Healthwatch City of London


The Board received the report informing Members that Healthwatch were working on the annual report for the first year of Healthwatch City of London. Through the report Officers aimed to demonstrate the work to stakeholders in the community in terms of impact and how Officers had worked with local partners and groups in the City. The report would cover the following areas:

• How we have delivered against our statutory activities

• The impact of our work on the commissioning, provision and on the management

of health and care services

• How local peoples’ needs and experiences of health and care services have

been obtained

• Work we have done to get the views of young and older people, disadvantaged

or vulnerable people and people who are seldom heard

• How volunteers and lay people are engaged in our work and governance



Healthwatch Officers thanked the City Corporation for their ongoing support and enjoying being able to facilitate events with the City in venues such as the Artizan Street Centre. Members noted that the Dementia Awareness Day held on 26th May 2014 was well attended.


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