Agenda item

JSNA City Supplement Public Consultation

Report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services.


The Board received the report updating Members that in April 2014, Members of the Health and Wellbeing Board (HWB) agreed the proposal to initiate a period of public consultation for the new JSNA City Supplement.


Members noted the feedback from a community consultation event held with

City of London Healthwatch on 1st May 2014, which had 21 attendees.


Generally, participants felt that the document was an accurate representation of the City and its needs, but also included a number of suggestions for further areas of investigation that could make it even more complete.


The report also noted new primary care data contained within the City Supplement which showed health inequalities in the City between Portsoken residents and residents registered with the Neaman Practice in smoking, obesity and hypertension.


RESOLVED: That Members approved the report and accepted the final draft of the JSNA City Supplement and agreed to grant the Chairman and Deputy Chairman delegated authority to sign off any minor changes or amendments to the supplement.


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