Agenda item

Appointment of the Bursary Committee

To appoint the Bursary Committee for the year ensuing – to comprise the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Board and up to five other Governors.



Dr Giles Robert Evelyn Shilson, Deputy  (Chairman) 

Ian Christopher Norman Seaton  (Deputy Chairman) 

The Revd Stephen Decatur Haines MA, Deputy   

Charles Edward Lord OBE JP   

Joyce Caruthers Nash OBE, Deputy   

Dame Mary Richardson  (External Member) 

James Michael Douglas Thomson Deputy 


The Town Clerk reminded the Board that the Bursary Committee could comprise the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Board and up to five other Governors.


The Board proceeded to appoint their Bursary Committee for 2014/15.


RESOLVED - that the following Governors be appointed to the Bursary Committee for the ensuing year:


Deputy Dr. Giles Shilson (Chairman)

Mr Ian Seaton (Deputy Chairman)

Deputy Joyce Nash

Ms Sylvia Moys

Deputy the Reverend Stephen Haines

Dame Mary Richardson

Deputy James Thomson