Agenda item

Annual report of licences issued 1 April 2013 to 31 March 2014

Report of the Superintendent of Epping Forest.



The Committee considered the report of the Superintendent of Epping Forest. Members noted that there had been 227 licences issued for various events, activities and temporary use of Forest Land which together have raised a total of £66,235. The most popular licenses were Filming (73) 32%; Community Events (32) 14% and Fitness Events (27) 12%. A further 485 horse riding licences, including annual, weekly and replacement licences, were also issued raising a total of £17,092.00.


Members noted that students filming in the Forest paid a nominal charge which in turn bought down the overall average in relation to the number of licences issues.


In response to a query raised by a Member, Officers clarified that the annual Donkey Derby was a very popular event and an important local fundraiser. Members agreed that the licence should continue to be issued to the event and should include permission for organised gambling activities, which are forbidden under the byelaws but are traditionally central to the event.


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