Agenda item

Cheapside & Guildhall Area Enhancement Strategy - boundary change request and pre-consultation report


A report of the Director of the Built Environment was considered which set out a proposed change to the Cheapside and Guildhall Area Enhancement Strategy boundary and outlined the planned public consultation exercise on its review.


In response to a question, the Assistant Director, Environmental Enhancement provided assurance the consultation for this project would be coordinated with that of the Barbican Area Strategy.  It was noted that clear branding would be thought up to differentiate between the two consultations.


Page 17 of the report showed a plan of key public realm enhancement opportunities and it was agreed that an update would be provided to the next meeting in relation to courtesy crossings on Gresham Street.



a)    the scope of the Cheapside Area Enhancement Strategy to include the Guildhall area be extended;

b)    additional resources of £20,761 be approved to carry out the consultation and finalise the strategy document £11,000 (fees) and £9,761 (staff costs) to be funded from the Section 106 agreement connected to the redevelopment of 100 Cheapside;

c)    the public consultation on the Cheapside and Guildhall Area Enhancement Strategy be agreed to take place over autumn 2014;

d)    authority be delegated to the Director of the Built Environment to finalise the details of the relevant consultation materials in liaison with the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Streets and Walkways Sub-Committee.

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