Agenda item

Any Other Business that the Chairman Considers Urgent


The following items of business were raised:


Bernard Morgan House

The Policy Development Manager for Housing and Social Care reported that Police officers in Bernard Morgan House had been given notice to leave, and officers were now meeting with the City of London Police to understand the details and whether the Corporation had a duty to house or advise them. In response to Members’ questions, it was noted that Bernard Morgan House was not used for Social Housing, and that it was being sold off as part of the Police Accommodation Review.


Resident Celebration Day and Almshouses Christmas Hamper visit

The Chairman reminded Members that the Resident Celebration Day was scheduled for 18th October 2014, and the Christmas Hamper visit to the Almshouses was scheduled for the morning of 10th December.


Vote of Thanks

The Housing Management and Almshouses Sub Committee formally recorded their thanks and appreciation to the Housing and Technical Services Director for his exemplary service to the Corporation’s Housing Policy, and wished him well for the future. The Director responded, thanking Members for their treatment and praising the quality, leadership and passion of Housing officers.