Agenda item

Safer City Partnership Update

To receive a verbal update from Doug Wilkinson (Assistant Director Street Scene and Strategy, Built Environment)


The Board received a verbal update regarding the Safer City Partnership and noted that Officers would provide a written report to the Board later in the year. Members noted that the Safer City Partnership encouraged stronger links between the Health and Wellbeing Board and the City of London Police. Officers were currently working with the Comptroller to identify the recent changes in Anti-Social Behaviour legislation. A key area of concern for the Safer City Partnership was Public Space Protection Orders, which were of particular interest to the City Corporation with the Aldgate Gyratory proposals currently being discussed.


Members noted that two further Community Support Officers were due to join the team tackling domestic violence and abuse. Officers were provided with training toolkits when they joined this team and the team were looking at ways to work with the City of London Police to help tackle reoffending.


Members noted that other issues that were identified at the recent Residents’ Meetings included impact of the night time economy in the City and irresponsible cyclists on the City roads.