Agenda item

Air Quality Update

To consider the report of the Director of Markets and Consumer Protection


The Board noted the future key policy areas for the City Corporation in relation to

air quality. The suggested policy areas related to taxis, the proposed Ultra Low

Emission Zone, traffic management, local energy generation and public health.

These would be developed further, together with additional measures, and the

City’s Air Quality Strategy would be revised accordingly.


Members noted that two events in relation to air quality were being planned, the first of which was a reception at Mansion House on 29 July hosted the Lord Mayor, with the Mayor of London also attending. A range of other developments had led to a Parliamentary Environmental Audit Committee Inquiry.


The City Corporation was collaborating with Sir John Cass primary school to

improve both local air quality and work with the school children to raise awareness. Over 150 air quality plants have been installed, as well as green ivy screens. Detailed monitoring was underway around the school and an entire school engagement programme has commenced. This was part of the Greater

London Authority Schools Clean Air Zones Programme. The City Corporation was also leading on an air quality engagement project with Bart’s Health NHS Trust to improve local air quality, reduce emissions associated with Bart’s activity and raise awareness amongst vulnerable people.


In response to a query from Members, Officers said the ‘low emission zone’ signs on the roads indicated an area which should be used by low polluting vehicles. In the future local authorities may seek to implement a ‘low emission zone’ which could be managed in a similar way to ‘congestion charge zones’ in and around London.


Resolved: That Members endorsed the actions being taken to address poor air

quality in the City and the five key areas that had been identified for inclusion in the revised Air Quality Strategy.

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