Agenda item


To agree the minutes of the previous meeting.


Resolved – that the minutes be agreed as an accurate record.


Matters Arising:

Members were advised that the Assistant Director, Commissioning and Partnerships had attended the recent Health and Social Care Scrutiny Committee and gave a verbal update regarding the INEL JHOSC meeting held on 27 May 2015. Barts Health NHS Trust and the Care Quality Commission (CQC) had been in attendance, and the Committee had queried them both on the recent inspection results. Key points raised at the meeting were:

·        CQC advised re-inspections would be carried out within 12 months;

·        Barts were moving away from Clinical Advisory Groups (CAGs) to a more site-based  management system;

·        The impact on the finances of the Trust from the changes proposed by Barts Health to remedy the shortfalls identified by CQC was unclear; and

·        Barts Health Trust had agreed to report back to the INEL JHOSC later in the year.


Board Members asked that the minutes of the meeting of the Health and Social Care Scrutiny Committee be circulated to the Health and Wellbeing Board Members for information.

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