Agenda item

Any other business that the Chairman considers urgent


Home Office – Licensing Act

The Assistant Director, Environmental Health & Public Protection, reported that he had recently received information from the Home Office stating that changes to the Licensing Act and this was to start with a workshop/briefing session at the Home Office on 14 August 2015. He reported that there had been no reference to local fees. He undertook to keep the Chairman informed on this matter.


Institute of Licensing (IoL) Consultation

The Assistant Director, Environmental Health & Public Protection, reminded Members that the Town Clerk had recently circulated a consultation document from the IoL on its draft Guidance on Premises Licence Conditions. The consultation would come to an end on 30 September 2015 and Members were encouraged to submit any comments they might have directly to the Licensing Team to be included within the City’s submission.


The Committee were informed that the City’s submission would then be produced in consultation with the Chairman and Deputy Chairman.


Unlicensed Street Trading

The Assistant Director reported that an ice cream van had recently been seized and the seller had not returned. He added that the current legislation appeared to be effective.  He went on to report that four nut sellers’ carts had also recently been seized along with a burger/hotdog stall.