Agenda item

Hampstead Heath Education charging report

Report of the Superintendent of Hampstead Heath.


The Committee considered a report of the Superintendent of Hampstead Heath that sought approval of the proposed new charging structure for the Hampstead Heath Schools Programme.


The Superintendent of Hampstead Heath advised Members that the current charging structure, in place since 2006, did not cover the associated teaching costs of the Programme. The Superintendent advised that a change in structure from per student to per session charging would also streamline administration and improve budgeting.


In response to a Member’s question, the Superintendent explained that the minimum charge for a two hour session for 30 students was £90 but this price would increase with the number of students. Prices would be agreed at the next meeting of the Committee, once the proposals to change the structure had been approved. A Member suggested that the Education Board should be made aware of the extent of the educational work undertaken by the Open Spaces Department.


RESOLVED – That the ‘per session’ charging structure for the Hampstead Heath Schools Programme be approved.


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