Agenda item

Any other Business that the Chairman considers Urgent


A Member raised a query on behalf of a resident, whose flat had been subjected to water damage and had been advised to make an insurance claim for subsequent redecorations.  Members were concerned that the onus should fall on the resident, if the damage had been as a result of a defect and therefore the responsibility of the City of London Corporation. 


          The Assistant Director advised that there was a process in place for claiming under Royal Sun Alliance. If a claim was the responsibility of the City of London Corporation, then the Insurance Team within the Chamberlain’s Department would process it. 


          Members felt that residents should not be inconvenienced when making claims and, whilst accepting that the estate office would provide assistance, the process needed some clarity.


          Officers advised that they had been working with the Chairman of the RCC on a number of insurance matters and would provide an update report to Committee.