Agenda item

Questions on Matters Relating to the Work of the Committee


Occupancy Levels at Smithfield Market


A Member referenced the Deputy Superintendent for Smithfield’s update at item 3, seeking clarity on occupancy levels of the Poultry Market and the 14% vacancy rate that the Deputy Superintendent had projected, as well as seeking reassurance that sufficient efforts were being made to achieve a 100% occupancy rate. The Director of Markets and Consumer Protection informed the Committee that some of the space at the Poultry Market was unable to be let, due to accessibility issues or it being used for other purposes. The City Surveyor informed Members that he was working with the Superintendent at the market to ensure all vacant space was let, as well as reviewing the figures so not to include this unlettable space, as this was misleading. The Director of Markets and Consumer Protection agreed to send a written reply to the Member, copying in the entire Committee, with further detail.