Agenda item

City and Hackney Health and Wellbeing Profile (JSNA) public consultation

Director of Public Health


The Board were informed that following stakeholder engagement sessions on the use, format and accessibility of the City & Hackney Health and Wellbeing Profile (JSNA), a new approach had been set out to meet current and future needs of users. This approach recognised the diversity of users’ requirements. The JSNA would be accessible online and in print, and would ensure that accurate, timely and clear data is presented in a variety of different ways, as no one format would meet all users’ needs.


Officers recognised that users treat the JSNA in a variety of different ways. This

included but was not limited to:

· Understanding the demographics and health needs of a specific group within

Hackney and the City. This group might be defined by locality, ethnicity, age

or many other characteristics and combinations of characteristics.

· Evaluating the need for (or building the case for) a specific service by looking

at levels of need and what already exists to meet that need.

· Comparing the need for different services.

· Finding answers to specific questions.


Resolved: Members endorsed the approach set out to future format and presentation of the City & Hackney Health and Wellbeing Profile (JSNA)

Supporting documents: