Agenda item

Safer City Partnership update

Assistant Director – Safer City Partnership, Town Clerks


Members noted that it was a statutory requirement for local authorities to have a “Community Safety Partnership? under the Crime and Disorder Act 1998; the Safer City Partnership fulfils this function for the City of London Corporation. There was a requirement to have partnership plans, targets and action to address the issues highlighted in the plans. The Safer City Partnership Plan 2014 – 2017 stated that the City of London enjoyed low levels of crime in comparison to our neighbouring boroughs and highlighted the importance of working in partnership to tackle crime to

maintain a safe environment for people to live work and visit.


The Board noted that the Safer City Partnership (SCP) had recently been through a review and had started on a journey to implement the recommendations of that review, as reported to the Health and Wellbeing Board previously. Some of the general principles of the recommendations were to re-invigorate the Community Safety Team (CST) and re-establish capacity in the team by filling vacant posts. This process was now nearly complete and there was now a Community Safety Manager in post with a team of three Officers supporting.


In his capacity as Chairman of the Domestic Violence, the Director of Community and Children’s Services agreed to raise the point about communication between MARAC and other authorities such as GPs and City of London Police.

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