Agenda item


To agree the public minutes and summary of the previous meeting.


The minutes of the last meeting, held on the 23 June 2014, were approved as a correct record, subject to the correction of a number of spelling and grammatical errors.


Matters Arising

City of London School Partnership with Stepney Green Maths, Computing and Science College.

The Second Master updated the Board with three dates that Governors could visit Stepney Green School and the Town Clerk agreed to circulate these by email. They were:

Wednesday 29th October 2014, 3.30pm

Friday 31st October 2014, 4pm

Friday 14 November 2014, 4pm


Building Work

The Board expressed their dissatisfaction over building work relating to Embankment Improvements which they were assured would have been completed by the start of term, despite the good efforts of the Department of the Built Environment to complete work on time. However, work continued into the first few weeks of the new term which caused a nuisance and disturbance to both teachers and pupils during lessons and meetings, as well as affecting a fire drill which took longer than necessary due to building materials. A Governor updated the Board on the progress of continuing work around the School and advised that it would be complete during October. However it was noted that the works were still ongoing.


Ark Bentworth Primary Academy Year 6 Graduation

The Chairman thanked Deputy the Reverend Stephen Haines on behalf of the Board for representing the School with an excellent speech at year 6 graduation day.



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