The Committee considered a report of the Director of the Built Environment concerning the Cycle Superhighway proposals.
The Committee acknowledged that the proposals had implications that could not easily be reversed. Members noted that key data was still missing and it was unlikely that this data would be provided in time to inform Members prior to the expiry date of the consultation. It was therefore appropriate based on the information that was available, to request Transport for London (TfL) to consider the points detailed on page 95 of the report (44a – 44k).
The Committee requested that this project was considered alongside other major projects such as the Thames Tideway Tunnel Development and the Bank Station Upgrade;
a) an extension to the consultation period of at least one week be sought from Transport for London;
b) subject to a) above not being agreed, a response to the consultation be agreed by the Planning and Transportation and Policy and Resources Committees under Urgency provisions.
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