Agenda item

Procedures in place in the event of artist cancellations

Report of the Director of Audiences & Development.


The Committee received a report of the Director of Audiences & Development summarising the processes put in place in the event of an artist cancelling.


The Committee thanked the Director for the paper, noting that it was helpful in assisting Members to understand the protocols in place and establish what the legal situation would be relative to any cancelations.


During debate, Members stressed the importance of making clear that the Centre reserved the right for understudies or suitable replacements to be brought in, given the possibility of illness or cancelations which were outside the Centre’s control. It would be important to make this clear at outset, highlighting this condition on tickets and prior to purchase, as well as on the website in the terms of sale. The Managing Director agreed that the Centre must make sure it was able to protect itself from any legal challenge and financial loss, whilst maintaining a level of reasonableness to audiences.


The Director of Audiences & Development advised that she would consider the best way of ensuring this was put in to practice and report back to Members informally via email.


The Chairman and Deputy Chairman also noted the document listing controversial productions which was being prepared, asking that they be given sight of this list and the opportunity to discuss items.


RESOLVED: That the contents of the report be noted.



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