Agenda item

Superintendent' Update

The Superintedent of West Ham Park to be heard.


The Committee received the following update from the Superintendent:


Budget – spending was in line with budget profile at this 2/3 stage of the year. In the nursery, although majority spend is broadly in line with budget profile, an underachievement in floral income looks set to leave a deficit at year end.


Staff – the part-time support services officer providing financial support for the team started work on 25 November.

-  The response to the recruitment process for the Manager’s role was very positive with nearly 30 applications received, many of a very high calibre. Interviews took place yesterday the post had been offered to the successful candidate.

- The Superintendent needed to recruit fixed term maternity cover for one of the office team, starting in January 2015. At the closing date, 45 applications had been received. Interviews will take place on 18th December.

- Unfortunately one of the Keepers tendered their resignation this week. They had recently undertaken the RHS certificate in horticulture and have decided that they would like to pursue a career more in line with this.


Works update – whilst leaf clearance in difficult conditions has remained the focus for the park team, LB Islington are currently back in the park undertaking their 2nd Massaria survey of the Plane trees this financial year.


Community & Events

The Dogs Trust held their popular dog agility and free dog chipping event in November.  The advice and free services are always very well received by both our regular dog-walkers and those who come along specifically for the event.


Friends of West Ham Park held a Stargazing Walk on 27th November along with the ever-popular Leaf Pile Event on Sat 15th November.  Approximately 50 adults and children, including the local scout group, helped create the biggest leaf pile in Newham. A craft event and a nature walk also takes place at this event for those who wish to participate.  The annual Park in the Dark event was held on Friday 5th December – a torch lit procession through the Park to the bandstand where hot chocolate and mince pies were served whilst there was carol singing around the Christmas tree.


Education - In addition to the usual educational sessions, in early November the Support Officer carried out sessions with nursery age children from Kier Hardy Primary school as part of Newham Work Week.  A large proportion of families in Newham are not in active employment and this worthwhile scheme brings the idea of future employment choices to children of Nursery age and upwards.  Three more sessions are planned in different primary schools throughout the academic year as part of this scheme.  In October one of the Team Leaders carried out 3 sessions with Park Primary school on being a Park Keeper, tying in Park Keepering roles with books that the children were reading in school.  The Gardening Team Leader and apprentice visited nearby St. Anthony’s primary school to help build new raised beds in their playground in order for them to grow vegetables next year, as well as providing advice on growing.


Awards and visits - APPGHG visit took place on 28th October. MPs from both houses visited the park where we were able to convey not only interesting facts about the history of the site, but also some important messages about the current issues facing our industry. They then went onto the Cemetery & Crematorium.  Next year’s annual visit by the Lord Mayor will take place on Friday 29 May 2015


Property – at October’s meeting the Superintendent reported that the City Surveyor was about to seek pricesfor the refurbishment of a further 6 tennis courts this winter as part of the AWP. Shortly after the meeting I met with the LTA who advised that, as part of a nationwide grants programme, funding will be available in 2015/16 to assist with enhanced surfacing for the courts. This could potentially be up to £60k. following discussions with the CS, it was agreed that it was sensible to postpone this year’s proposed spend to next year, now that AWP funding has been agreed for next year, in order to recognise economies of scale, cause minimum disruption to park users and to take advantage of the funding from LTA. We will notify our users through notices, our on-line news items and tweeting.