Agenda item


Report of the Chamberlain and the Director or Open Spaces.


The Group Accountant introduced a report of the Chamberlain updating the Committee on the latest approved revenue budget and seeking approval for the provisional revenue budget for 2015/16. She added that any delegated revisions would not exceed £50,000.


The Superintendent provided further context on the proposed revenue budget for 2015/16 in light of the City Corporation’s Service Based Reviews, noting that proposed budget savings would be met through focusing on core services, achieving operational efficiencies and generating income.


RESOLVED, that City Corporation Members:


·         Agree that the provisional 2015/16 revenue budget reflects the Committee’s objectives and approve its submission to the Finance Committee;


·         Authorise the Chamberlain, in consultation with the Director of Open Spaces, to revise these budgets to allow for any further implications arising from Corporate Projects, departmental reorganisations and other reviews, and changes to the Additional Works Programme, subject to any revisions not exceeding £50,000;


·         Agree that should additional service based review proposals to in addition to those within the report are requested by another Committee, that the substitution of other suitable proposals for a corresponding amount is delegated to the Town Clerk in consultation with the Chairman and Deputy Chairman. If the substituted saving is not considered straightforward in nature, then the Town Clerk shall also consult with the Chairman and Deputy Chairmen of the Policy and Resources Committee prior to approving alternative proposals.


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