Agenda item


To approve the public minutes and summary of the meeting on 20th November 2014.



RESOLVED – That the public minutes and non-public summary of the meeting held on 20th November 2014 be approved as a correct record.


Matters Arising

Remembering Yesterday, Celebrating Today

Members noted that staff collections during poppy week were approximately £2,000, and the Chairman asked for a formal note to be sent to staff thanking them for their efforts.


Horace Jones House

Members noted that the handover date had been moved to the end of January 2015 owing to minor issues that were still being addressed. A revised Members’ visit had been scheduled for 13th February, and the official opening was still planned for 25th March.


Asset Management Strategy

Members noted that the changes to the Section 106 formula would impact the planned housing developments. The Director of Community & Children’s Services advised that the prioritisation list would be reviewed, particularly with regard to unit cost.

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