Agenda item

Workplace Health Centre

Report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services.


Members noted that tobacco control, substance misuse and health checks were already being provided for workers at a number of diverse locations in the City, but to bring them together with other preventative services such as stress counselling,

physiotherapy, inoculations, minor injuries and sexual health services in a

single, well publicised location was an opportunity to deliver a wider range of

services more efficiently and effectively.


Resolved: That Members noted the project proposal and agreed the next steps:

1. Conduct space planning, cost assessment and a building survey

to clarify the potential of the mezzanine as a workplace health

centre and to enable a viability appraisal to be undertaken.

2. Take the proposal to the next stage (report to Gateway 3/4 –

Options Appraisal) including consideration of the proposal

alongside a commercial redevelopment option.

Supporting documents: