Agenda item

Questions on matters relating to the work of the Sub Committee


Skateboarding – The landscaping work on the riverside near the City of London Boys School was nearing completion and was already proving attractive to skateboarders.  This was causing disruption to the school and was having a negative impact on the enjoyment of visitors using the new space. Officers explained that seating planned for the scheme was yet to be installed and when it was this should limit the opportunity for skateboarding.

A Member suggested that officers be formally actioned to prepare a set of design principles for New Street and public space works that discouraged skateboarding.  The design principles should be reviewed at a future meeting of the Sub Committee and afterwards by the Planning and Transportation Committee once Members were happy with the proposals.

It was also suggested that a specific design goal be adopted for all future projects of this nature and that they should be designed to discourage this activity.


It was felt that when these projects were reviewed by Members, this issue should be specifically highlighted and the proposals reviewed with this objective in mind before authorisation to proceed was given.


In reply, the Transportation and Public Realm Director confirmed that such a project was already underway focused around the prevention of skateboarding at St Paul’s. This report, including design principles, is targeted for completion prior to this summer recess.


RESOLVED – That a wider review and a specific piece of work be undertaken to address skateboarding at St Paul’s (an approximate timeframe would be reported to the Sub Committee).