Agenda item

Items placed on the Highway (streets and pavements)

Director of the Built Environment.


Members noted that the report considered the adoption of a policy to enable the safe management of footpaths and the street environment in a proportionate



The comments received from Members following a recent report relating

to “A” boards indicated that the issues being experienced on the City’s

streets were wider than just “A” boards. One of the issues was around the

management of dealing with a variety of different items placed on the

highway, including inappropriately parked cycles, newspaper and leaflet

stalls and tables and chairs as well as “A” boards.


The Assistant Director of Street Scene and Strategy advised that comments received from Members following a recent report indicated the issues being experienced on the City’s streets were wider than just ‘A’ Boards, which was agreed with by Members of this Committee. Members noted that small businesses required better signage in their area to advertise their location to customers, which would prevent the need for them to deploy ‘A’ Boards on the walkway at their entrance.


In relation to the City of London Footway Guidance, a Member noted that the requirement for a minimum of 2 metres of unobstructed width was still too narrow for busy City streets. The Assistant Director of Street Scene and Strategy advised that this distance was a requirement for the narrowest point but the Guidance note could be reviewed.


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