Agenda item

6 Carmelite Street EC4Y 0BS


Registered Plan No.: 14/00998/FULL


Proposal: Installation of new accessible entrance doors and glazed surround on the Tallis Street elevation of the building in association with the public house (Use Class A4) (public house use approved under planning permission dated 11.04.2000, ref: 5203N).


The Chief Planning Officer and Development Director detailed site and surrounding information to Members.


In considering the application, a motion was proposed and seconded to include conditions which addressed the following points –

·         the proposed entrance doors should be used for ingress and egress purposes only whilst the premises were in operation and should be kept closed at all other times.

·         the proposed entrance doors must be fitted with opening and self-closing mechanisms.

·         The entrance lobby should not be used for any activities associated with the Class A4 use other than for access purposes and for entering or leaving the premises. 


RESOLVED – That planning permission be granted for the proposal in accordance with the attached schedule, subject to the inclusion of additional conditions to address the points made as follows –

·         the proposed entrance doors shall be used for ingress and egress purposes only whilst the premises were in operation and shall be kept closed at all other times.

·         the proposed entrance doors must be fitted with opening and self-closing mechanisms.

·         The entrance lobby shown on drawing number 1135-12-010G shall not be used for any activities associated with the Class A4 use other than for access purposes and for entering or leaving the premises.   


Supporting documents: