Agenda item

2 - 6 Cannon Street EC4M 6YH


Registered Plan No.: 14/00780/FULMAJ


Proposal: The demolition of the existing building and construction of a new office building (Class B1) comprising 7 storeys plus basement and associated hard and soft landscaping, roof top plant, accessible terrace, access and servicing, ancillary cycle parking and other associated works.


The Chief Planning Officer and Development Director detailed site and surrounding information to Members.


RESOLVED – That planning permission be granted for the development referred to above in accordance with the details set out on the attached schedule subject to planning obligations and other agreements being entered into in respect of those matters set out in the report, the decision notice not to be issued until such obligations have been executed and any necessary agreements and stopping up of the highway under Section 278 of the Highway Act 1980.  In the event any necessary consents or agreements are not forthcoming then the matter will be referred back to the Planning and Transportation for consideration.

Supporting documents: