Agenda item

Update on the Work of the Social Investment Advisor

Report of the Director of Economic Development.


The Board received a report of the Social Investment Advisor updating Members on work since the previous meeting.


The Board noted that the Advisor’s work had included:

·         on-going work to build the evidence base for HM Treasury to seek an expansion of the Social Investment Tax Relief scheme from the EU, with an announcement anticipated in the Chancellor’s Autumn statement;

·         commissioning research into London as a global hub for social investment;

·         hosting a session for the Corporate Responsibility Group on social investment;

·         feeding into the Expert Panel of the European Commission on Social Investment Business; and

·         hosting a delegation from a Finnish social innovation centre.


The Board discussed the report and requested that a diary of forthcoming events be circulated regularly, and that Members’ interests be taken into consideration when invitations were drafted.


RESOLVED – That a diary of forthcoming events be circulated regularly to Board Members, and that the report be noted.

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