Agenda item

Baldwin's and Birch Hall Park Ponds - Gateway 3 - Options Appraisal

Report of the Director of the Built Environment.


Members were informed that Baldwins Pond and Birch Hall Park (Deer Sanctuary) Pond both store water by virtue of earth dams which are over 100 years old. Both ponds are currently managed under the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1973 and are subject to precautionary biannual inspection.


Excessive wet weather over Spring 2012 highlighted leakage at both ponds as well as an overflow problem at Birch Hall Park Pond. Both ponds have been identified since 2010 through the biannual Panel Engineer’s inspections as requiring works to stabilise the existing structure and manage leakage.


Members noted that the total estimated cost range of £0.675m to £2.93m has increased significantly since Gateway 2 (£0.4m to £1.5m). The main reason for the significant increase in estimated costs had come from experience gained in developing other reservoir projects.

Discussions ensued regarding the cost of the project. Members were concerned that the projected costs were seriously underestimated and must be revised by Officers in the Department of the Built Environment. There were concerns over the implications to the surrounding area of the ponds.

Members queried whether the Corporation was moving to a legal position where Members were Non-Executive Directors and had personal criminal liability. Officers explained that a recent Committee report had explained issues around Trustee liability and that Health and Safety performance was now reported annually to the Open Spaces Committee. Members were well protected in this case as Officers had extended the Reservoirs Act inspection regime to reservoirs managed under the Health & Safety at Work Act.


Members noted that access and work to Baldwin’s Pond would have dramatic implications for the Forest, and Officers assured the Committee that they were looking closely at implications for the Forest under each option. Discussions with the appropriate bodies would also accompany this work.


A member of Loughton Residents Association had approached a Verderer as they wished to cover these proposed works in their newsletter. The Verderer advised them to wait for further information before doing so.


Members agreed that the Options for repairs seemed sensible but concerns were raised regarding the ongoing maintenance. Officers said there were many lessons to be learned from the 2000 construction and that the new solution must be more durable.

Resolved – That Members:

Agreed to support the Officer’s recommendation to the Projects Sub-Committee to develop to the next Gateway.  Members noted that at the current gateway, none of the above options are to be discounted, although Option 2 is the least preferable at the present time due to cost and complexity.


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