Agenda item

Epping Forest Permission to operate Civil Marriages and Partnerships at the Queen Elizabeth's Hunting Lodge

Report of the Superintendent of Epping Forest.


Members were informed of the opportunity to utilise the licensing regime under the Marriages Regulations 1995 to generate future income by permitting the use of Queen Elizabeth’s Hunting Lodge (QEHL) for Marriages and Civil Partnership ceremonies. The significant heritage of the listed building and the idyllic surroundings of the Forest make the building very desirable as a venue for these ceremonies.


Members noted that in order to use QEHL as a venue for ceremonies a licence must be granted by the local authority, London Borough of Waltham Forest), at a cost of £600 for a 3 year licence, together with appropriate public advertising costing £1,000.


An updated report will be brought to the January 2016 Committee to review the hosting of ceremonies at QEHL.


Members stated that full payment must be sought within a reasonable time and a strong cancellation policy must be drafted. Members also raised concerned regarding parking availability which would be investigated.


Officers informed Members that there a central monitor of income production for schemes like this and Officers were scrutinising Service Based Review related projects to ensure they delivered projected income.


Resolved – That Members:

·         Approved submission of an application to London Borough of Waltham Forest to licence Queen Elizabeth Hunting Lodge to host for marriage and civil partnership ceremonies.

·         Approved the use of QEHL for marriage and civil partnership ceremonies, for the licence period of 36 months.

·         Agreed to review the use of QEHL for marriage and civil partnership ceremonies at the January 2016 meeting.


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