Agenda item

Service Based Reviews

Report of the Town Clerk (to follow).


The Sub Committee received a report of the Deputy Town Clerk presenting the latest update in respect of the agreed Service Based Review cross-cutting reviews in the format of a Service Based Review Roadmap. Members discussed the format and content of the roadmap, and noted that this could be used to ‘call-in’ Project Sponsors and/or Leads for an in-depth review of individual projects.


Members were advised that more detailed plans and other documentation would support each of these reviews and that similar roadmaps would be drawn up for each department, going into greater detail as to the smaller projects that were taking place. Members noted that, as this was at an early stage, more attention was being given to what was being delivered, by whom, with what resources, and by when; once this had been clarified the roadmap could be populated with significant milestones and deadlines.


RESOLVED – That the Sub Committee receive an SBR Budget Monitoring report (timing to be aligned with quarterly reporting to the Finance Committee), and that the report be noted.

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