Agenda item

Museum of London Roundabout - Road Danger Reduction Measures - Monitoring Report


The Committee considered a report of the Director of the Built Environment in relation to the Museum of London Roundabout.


The Chairman informed the Committee of a representation from a member of the public expressing concerns regarding the recent road layouts which it was considered had worsened the junction for cyclists, causing it to be unsafe.


Members noted that a number of minor additions and amendments (such as traffic cones and signage) had been added to improve the effectiveness of the scheme; however, it was felt that an alternative to cones ought to be considered, such as ‘armadillo humps’. 


Members were informed that various options were being considered to improve the lighting.



a)    the outcome of this trial so far be noted and an extension of the trial for a further 3 months be agreed;

b)    a further report be brought back to this Committee to decide whether to make the scheme permanent following the extended trial.

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