Agenda item

Superintendent's Update

Superintendent of Hampstead Heath to be heard on Hampstead Heath matters.



The Superintendent of Hampstead Heath verbally updated the Committee regarding the following matters relating to Hampstead Heath:



By the 2017/18 Financial Year, the City of London Corporation’s Open Spaces

Department would be required to find £2.2m of savings. To inform the decision to be made on savings, seven themes were being developed to help prioritise the work undertaken by the Open Spaces Department.


These included: a Learning Programme that would review the education ‘offer’ of the Open Spaces, looking at outcomes around education and play activities; a Sports Programme to provide a framework to define the purpose of sports provision within Open Spaces; a Various Powers Bill would be submitted to Parliament seeking changes to legislation governing Open Spaces to give clarity and flexibility to management of Open Spaces, enabling more efficient and effective services; greater effort made to promote services to raise awareness of the range of services provided, costs, and opportunities for income generation; savings to be made through greater energy efficiency in departmental business and management plans; a fleet and equipment review to establish how the existing fleet resources of the Open Spaces Department could be better utilised; and a more regular and structured approach to reviewing and management of Wayleave agreements




Lido Café

The Superintendent advised that the programmed completion date for the works to the Lido roof had been delayed by six weeks to 18 May 2015. The Contractor had advised that to-date 16 working days have been lost due to weather conditions.


Members were advised that salvaged bricks from the perimeter wall would be used on the café building and, consequently, approved new bricks would be required for the reconstruction of the boundary wall.


Lido Leak

The Superintendent advised that The City Surveyor had engaged Consultants to investigate the loss of water from the Lido. A range of tests were carried out along with CCTV surveys of the pipework. Investigations were currently focused on the main sump access plate.


Golders Hill Park Toilets

Members were advised that the refurbishment programme had been completed by the City Surveyor’s Department; the toilets had operated effectively since July 2014. He added that the toilets were redecorated and deep cleaned in early March 2015.


Parliament Hill Café

The planters outside the café at Parliament Hill fields had been replaced and planting would commence shortly.




53 Fitzroy Park

Members were advised that a planning submission was registered with the Planning Authority in February 2015. The development proposals comprised of the “erection of a three storey single family dwelling including basement level, green roofs at first floor and roof level, solar panels at roof level and associated landscaping following the demolition of the existing part-two, part-three storey dwelling (Class C3).” The submitted Construction Management Plan did not sufficiently address the constraints and highway / vehicle access considerations of the range of construction vehicles required to re-develop the site.


Athlone House

The appeal Inquiry was held from 10 – 27 February 2015. A decision from the Planning Inspector was expected by 12June 2015.


Weddings & Civil Ceremonies at the Hill Garden & Pergola

The Superintendent advised that 16 confirmed bookings had so far been received, for which deposits had been paid. He added that a report regarding the impact and costs relating to holding weddings and civil ceremonies at the Hill Garden and Pergola would be submitted to the Committee meeting in September 2015.



Two new Constabulary Officers started in December 2014 and had completed the first stage of their induction. One further vacancy had been filled, leaving one vacant post currently being advertised.


Members were also advised that the Ponds Project and Management Support Officer was successfully appointed to the role of Open Spaces Department Business Manager and also left the Heath at the end of January. Fortunately, the Officer was continuing to provide support to the Ponds Project.


Golders Hill Park

A redesign and landscaping had been undertaken at the Eagle Owl Enclosure at the Golders Hill Park Zoo, where 6 volunteer work placements had been introduced to assist with daily work.


Parliament Hill

The Superintendent advised that work was being carried out toincrease the diversity of the hedge lines by gapping up and adding mixed native species. He added that the Bull Path project had been progressed, with further removal of the hawthorn hedge and turfing to be laid by the end of March 2015.



Members were advised that the Constabulary had recorded 411 incidents since 1 January 2015, including 28 relating to cycling and 46 relating to dog control. The Superintendent added that three prosecutions were currently being processed, one each relating to dog control, cycling, and the other relating to Highgate Wood, and Constabulary Officers had to attend an incident of suicide on the Heath in January 2015.


Tree Team

Members were advised that the Tree Team had carried out some partnership working at Burnham Beeches helping staff there to manage Veteran beech pollards.  The Team also hosted a group of Arboricultural students from Capel Manor, two of whom had since gained work experience in tree inspection and tree maintenance on the Heath. The Committee commended this collaborative work and the Chairman added his thanks to the Tree Team for their contribution to the informative Committee walk on Friday 20 March.


Parliament Hill Outdoor Gym Proposal

The Superintendent advised of a proposal by the London Borough of Camden (LBC) to install outdoor gym equipment at Parliament Hill. The proposal was subject to LBC undertaking an assessment of need based on the demographic of the area to ensure that their investment had the greatest impact on physical activity within the borough. Members were advised that the Hampstead Heath Consultative Committee were supportive of the proposal but anxious about the location of the equipment, which would be identified within the business case.


In response to a Member’s question, the Superintendent advised that the City of London Corporation did not intend to make a capital contribution towards to the outdoor gym equipment, which would be aimed at people who had been advised to carry out additional exercise for their health and wellbeing. He added that a report would be submitted for consideration once the proposals had been finalised.


Members noted that an evaluation of outdoor gym equipment carried out by the LBC would be circulated to the Committee courtesy of Councillor Sally Gimson.


The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

Members were advised that support had been received from several members of the Hampstead Heath Consultative Committee for the sculpture to remain at Golders Hill Park a while longer.



Finally, a Member noted that it would be preferable for Superintendent’s Update reports to be circulated as written reports in the main agenda packs. This would enable Members to declare an interest in the item if they were aware of the content in advance of the meeting. The Superintendent agreed to consider the possibility of incorporating a written update report in the agenda for future meetings.


RESOLVED – That the Superintendent’s update on matters relating to Hampstead Heath be noted.