Agenda item

Superintendent's Update

Superintendent of Hampstead Heath to be heard on Highgate Wood and Queen’s Park matters.


The Superintendent of Hampstead Heath verbally updated the Committee regarding the following matters relating to Highgate Wood:-

·         the cricket score hut front fascia had been completely renewed ready for the new cricket season starting in April 2015;

·         a licence had been issued for a weekly story telling event for the under 5s, which had proved to be very popular and a positive new income stream for the site;

·         The Highgate Wood Manager was meeting with Officers from the Forestry Commission at Highgate Wood to discuss UK Woodland Assurance Standard.


The Superintendent verbally updated the Committee regarding the following matters relating to Queen’s Park:-

·         a donations post was installed at the Children’s Farm on 14 March 2015;

·         the hedge laying along the woodland walk had been completed;

·         new bins were installed and there has been good progress with the installation of granite bases for the park benches;

·         events: the “Big Dig” took place on 21 March 2015 and 80 children took part in the Queen’s Park Easter Egg Hunt on 22 March 2015.


RESOLVED – That the update on matters relating to Highgate Wood and Queen’s Park be noted.