Agenda item

Children's Safeguarding Annual Report

Report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services.


Members received an overview of the City of London Safeguarding Children arrangements for 2013/14 as reflected in the City and Hackney Safeguarding Children Board (CHSCB) Annual report 2013/14.  The Annual Report provided detailed coverage of the work undertook by partners and the CHSCB to ensure robust safeguarding arrangements were in place, as required by Working Together to Safeguard Children statutory guidance.


Members noted that Safeguarding Adult Boards would be placed on the same statutory footing as Children Safeguarding Boards, and, as a result of the Care Act

2014, Health and Well Being Boards would need to have regard for the adult safeguarding arrangements in their area.


Officers complimented the partnership working between Town Clerk, Director of Community and Children’s Services and the Independent Chair of the City and Hackney Safeguarding Board.


Members noted that there were 898 children living in the City of London of which 21% lived in low income families. Members agreed that tackling this should be a priority and the pressures faces y children living in the City were different from other areas but were just as serious.


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