Agenda item

CCG Commissioning Intentions

Report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services.



Members were presented an overview of the City and Hackney Clinical Commissioning Group’s (CCG) commissioning intentions for 2015/16.


The CCG’s five key ambitions are:

·       Increase life expectancy

·       Quality of life

·       Quick recovery

·       Good experience of care

·       Patient safety


The CCG commission services in line with the following key objectives:

·       Keep our health economy productive and efficient

·       Maintaining referral rates, eliminating steps in the pathway which don’t deliver patient benefit

·       Reducing unnecessary emergency hospital activity

·       Empower and support our patients to be in control of their health and decisions about their health

·       Address concerns and feedback from our patients, members and stakeholders

·       Align our work with Public Health commissioned services

·       Prevention and wellbeing can impact on premature mortality and outcomes as much as what the CCG commissions

·       Ensure parity of esteem between mental and physical health and focus on the mental health needs of our patients

·       Ensure that primary care has the skills and capacity to remain the first point of contact and handle the work arising from our plans

·       Align services across providers to deliver improved clinical quality and outcomes and joined up clinical behaviours

·       Ensure safe and effective 7 day services which deliver patient satisfaction

·       Improve our performance against CCG outcomes and NHS Constitution rights

·       Decide what to do about non recurrently funded schemes which end in 2016

·       Pass the “Think like a taxpayer, act like a patient” test – is it a good use of public money and how will it benefit our patients?


Members noted that the application to delegate authority of the commissioning of primary care services in the City and Hackney had been recently been approved.




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