Agenda item

Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment update

Report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services.



Members noted that The Health and Wellbeing Board had a statutory obligation to produce a Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA) by 1 April 2015. The PNA contained information about local need, current community pharmacy services and gaps in provision. The PNA would be used by NHS England to commission future pharmacy services in the area. The information contained in the PNA would also inform the commissioning plans of City of London Corporation, LB Hackney and City & Hackney CCG.


Members considered a summary of the key findings for the City. Current pharmacy provision met the current and projected future needs of the resident and working populations. However there is some scope for improvement, particularly by extending access to repeat dispensing services and increasing public health provision through pharmacies for both City residents and workers.


Resolved – Members delegated authority to the Chairman/Deputy Chairman, in consultation with the Director of Public Health, to approve the PNA for publication.


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