Agenda item

Head's Report

Report of the Head of the City of London School.


The Board received a report of the Head of the City of London School which updated Governors on School matters.


During the course of discussion, the following points were raised:-

·        Governors congratulated all concerned on the outstanding Oxbridge offers and suggested that consideration be given to including offers to other bodies in next year’s report;

·        The relative benefits of both Oxford and Cambridge were referred to;

·        It was noted that the Commons Education Committee had indicated that they would shortly making PSHE a compulsory subject for all year groups;

·        A Governor referred to the new Medical School at the University of Buckingham and offered to encourage links between the School and the University;

·        It was noted that there were a fair number of pupils studying languages and engineering at present; and

·        Advice on what degrees could lead to which career was provided by the University advice service in the School and the Head advised that steps were being taken to improve this provision and to include advice and case histories from Alumni.


RESOLVED – That the:-

1) report be noted; and

2) revised Pupil & Parent Data Protection Policy be endorsed.



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