Agenda item

Superfast City Programme Update

Report of the Chamberlain



The Sub-Committee considered a report of the Chamberlain which provided Members with an update on the Superfast City Programme, which assessed the effectiveness in delivery of high-speed fibre broadband across the City.


The Chief Information Officer, explained that there had been positive engagement with British Telecom (BT) Openreach with regards to rolling out superfast broadband across the City. This was due to a number of tenants and businesses signing up for the service since the pilot had finished. A further meeting had been scheduled for two months’ time with BT Openreach to review the services.


The Chairman noted that there were a number of Members who had expertise in this area and reminded the Sub-Committee that their role was to provide a strategic overview of projects rather than have detailed discussion. He went onto suggest that an informal meeting take place for Members who wished to discuss the report in detail. The Town Clerk agreed to arrange an informal meeting of the Sub-Committee.



1.    an informal meeting of the Sub-Committee be arranged to discuss the report in detail; and

2.    to note the report.



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