Agenda item

Hampstead Heath Ponds Project Update

Report of the Superintendent of Hampstead Heath.


The Committee received a report of the Superintendent of Hampstead Heath that provided Members with an update on the progress of the Hampstead Heath Ponds Project.


The Superintendent advised that site clearance work had finished and timber had been retained on site due to recent wet weather. Some of the timber would now be removed and other parts would be milled for use at the Catchpit dam crossing point. He added that an additional site meeting regarding the Stock Pond had taken place on 30 January 2015 with members of the Ponds Project Stakeholder Group. It was agreed that the Project Board would meet again to look at alternative options but it was decided that the original spillway design would go ahead.


Members were advised that a Community Working Group had been established as part of the Section 106 Agreement of the planning permission. The Group had met once in February 2015 and would continue to meet once a month throughout the project. The Superintendent advised that signage had been installed at Pond Projects sites to inform users of the Heath of the works being undertaken. He added that the next substantial works to the cofferdam would start in April 2015.


In response to a Member’s question, the Superintendent advised that a small protest that involved 20 people took place on 14 February 2015 at the Mixed Pond. He added that complaints were being monitored by Heath staff and presented to the Community Working Group for their information. The Hampstead Heath Ecologist and BAM Nuttell Contract Manager had recently led a walk with the Heath & Hampstead Society to audit planned tree-felling. Members noted the effective management of complaints by Hampstead Heath staff.


In response to a further question, the Superintendent advised that the Conservation Manager takes regular photos of work at each pond and that time-lapse pictures of the Model Boating Pond were being considered. Members suggested that a slideshow of photos of the project be presented at the next appropriate Committee meeting.


RESOLVED – That the Hampstead Heath Ponds Project update report be noted.





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