Agenda item

Landscape improvement works at Parliament Hill (Kite Hill)

Report of the Superintendent of Hampstead Heath.


The Committee considered a report of the Superintendent of Hampstead Heath that sought approval to the proposed landscape and infrastructure improvement works at Parliament Hill, also known as Kite Hill. Members were advised that the following works were proposed and would form part of the ongoing Annual Work Programme:-

·         Relocation of litter bin away from the crest of the hill;

·         The existing stainless steel interpretation sign to be moved;

·         A new sign consisting of a photograph with key landmarks identified and a QR code to be commissioned;

·         Grass renovation works;

·         Removal of benches and vegetation from new view cone zone;

·         Review of the layout of benches.


John Beyer noted that the Heath & Hampstead Society would provide a capital contribution to the creation of the new sign.


In response to another Member’s question, Philip Wright (English Heritage) advised that Senior Managers and the Head Gardner at Kenwood House were currently negotiating funding for the installation of a new interpretation stand that identified new and historical buildings from the protected view at Kenwood House. It was hoped that these arrangements would be finalised by 5 April 2015.


RESOLVED – That the proposals to carry out works at Parliament Hill as part of the on-going Annual Work Programme be approved.


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